How to Solve Underfitting in Machine Learning Models

Underfitting is a common problem in machine learning models. This happens when the model is too simple to capture the complexity of the real data, resulting in poor performance on the training and testing datasets. In this article, we will explore what underfitting is and how to solve it using different techniques.

What is Underfitting?

Underfitting is when a model does not capture the underlying patterns in the data, resulting in large bias. This happens when the model is too simple and cannot learn from the training data. In such cases, the model performs poorly on both the training and test datasets, leading to inaccurate predictions.

How to solve underfitting?

Here are some powerful techniques to help solve the problem of insufficient machine learning models.

1 – Increase the complexity of the model

One of the most effective ways to solve underfitting is by increasing the complexity of the model. This can be achieved by using a more efficient algorithm or by adding more parameters to the existing model. The idea is to give the model more flexibility to capture the patterns behind the data.

2 – Feature Engineering

Feature engineering is the process of selecting and transforming the most important features of the data to improve model performance. By identifying the most important features, we can give the model more information to learn from, which can help reduce redundancy. Domain knowledge and a good understanding of data are essential for effective feature engineering.

3 – Reduce model Constraints

Another effective way to deal with underfitting is to reduce model constraints. This can be achieved by reducing the control force or increasing the set size during training. In this way we allow the model to learn more freely from the data and reduce biases.


Underfitting is a common problem in machine learning, but it can be solved using various techniques such as increasing model complexity, feature engineering, and reducing model constraints. By applying these techniques, we can help the model capture underlying patterns in the data and improve its performance on training and testing datasets. Remember to always check the model’s performance and adjust the techniques accordingly.

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