What is List comprehension and how to use it?

List comprehension is a concise way to create a list using a single line of code. It consists of square brackets containing an expression followed by a for clause, then zero or more for or if clauses. The expressions can be anything, meaning you can put in all kinds of objects in lists. Example 1:…

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Russia-Ukraine War Data Analysis Project using Python

In this article I will take you through the task of Analyzing the Russia-Ukraine war Dataset using Python. The dataset that I am using for the task of analysis the Ukraine and Russia War is downloaded from Kaggle. You can download russia-ukraine equipment dataset from here and russia-ukraine personnel losses dataset from here. Now let’s import…

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Python Interview Questions – Part 1

1. What is the difference between indexing and slicing? Indexing is the extracting or lookup one or particular values in a data structure, whereas slicing retrieves a sequence of elements. 2. What is the lambda function? Example: X = lambda I, j: I + j Print (x(4, 6)) Output: 10 3. Explain zip() and enumerate()…

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What are Pickling and Unpickling?

Pickling Pickling and unpickling are terms commonly used in the context of Python programming and refer to the process of serializing and deserializing objects. In simple terms, pickling is the process of converting a Python object into a byte stream, while unpickling is the process of converting the byte stream back into a Python object.…

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What Advantage does the NumPy Array have over a nested list?

NumPy arrays offer several advantages over nested lists in Python. Let’s see some of the key advantages: Overall, the advantages of NumPy arrays over nested lists make them an excellent choice for numerical computations, large datasets, and scientific computing tasks, providing performance improvements and ease of use. Popular Posts

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Django Architecture in Python

Django is a web service used to build your web pages. Its architecture is as shown: Popular Posts

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How is Multithreading Achieved in Python?

Multithreading usually implies that multiple threads are executed concurrently. The Python Global Interpreter Lock doesn’t allow more than one thread to hold the Python interpreter at that particular point of time. So, multithreading in python is achieved through context switching. It is quite different from multiprocessing which actually opens up multiple across multiple threads. Popular…

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What is the difference Between a Shallow Copy and Deep Copy?

Deepcopy Deepcopy creates a different object and populates it with the child objects of the original object. Therefore, changes in the original object are not reflected in the copy. copy.deepcopy() creates a Deep Copy. Shallow copy Shallow copy creates a different object and populates it with the references of the child objects within the original…

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What are Literals in Python and explain about different Literals?

A literal in python source code represents a fixed value for primitive data types. There are 5 types of literals in Python- String literals A string literal is created by assigning some text enclosed in single of double quotes to a variable. To create multiline literals, assign the multiline text enclosed in triple quotes. E.g.,…

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What are the common built-in data types in Python?

The common built-in data types in Python are: String A sequence of characters in called a string. They are declared within single or double-quotes. E.G., ‘Sana’, ‘she is going to the market’, etc. Set Sets are a collection of unique items that are not in order. e.g. {7, 6, 8}. Dictionary A dictionary stores values…

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